Final Update from Shadon Blum, CEO
After four days of restoration, our crews have all residential services restored. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our mutual aid crews from Franklin REC, TIP Rural Electric Cooperative and Intren. We also again want to thank our members for their support and patience as we worked to bring the lights back on.
With spring and planting season coming upon us, we want to advise farmers who had damage near their fields to show caution as they begin to make their way into the fields with their equipment. There are still broken poles throughout the system and other damage that we will continue to work to clean up as time goes on. If you need to get into a field there is an obstacle that may be in your way or cause issues, please contact our office and we will make arrangements for you to begin planting safely.
This will be the final update from this storm but we will provide an additional briefing in the future with more details on affected members from this system wide outage.
Again, we thank everyone for the support and encouragement as we continue to #PowerOn.

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Cooperative News

Harrison County REC's mission is to safely provide reliable electric power and related services at the best possible value for our members.
With 1,104 miles of distribution line (both overhead and underground cable), Harrison County REC currently has over 2,364 members and provides electrical service to 3,859 meters. The cooperative is owned and governed by those we serve. Directors to the board are nominated and elected by the membership, giving them a vested interest in the operation of the cooperative
Cooperatives around the world operate according to the same set of core principles and values, adopted by the International Co-operative Alliance. These principles, along with the co-op purpose of improving quality of life for their members, make electric co-ops different from other electric utilities. Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative is proud to actively follow and promote these seven cooperative principles in our daily operations.