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Join the Conversation with HCREC and Broadband

Harrison County REC

Updated: May 3, 2024

Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative was founded with the belief of providing essential services to rural Western Iowa. In 1936, that essential service was electricity and now in 2024 we are turning our attention to broadband. Today, our focus has shifted to the indispensable need for reliable internet services to rural citizens. Similar to our historic initiative to electrify rural America, embarking on a project of this scale demands considerable time and investment. Based on our current infrastructure setup, for Harrison County REC to provide this service to our members we would be looking at an investment of approximately $40,000,000. Actively pursuing various grant opportunities, our objective is to secure up to a 50% grant reimbursement to ultimately reduce the final investment.

As your local cooperative, we are dedicated to acting in the best interest of our entire membership which is why we are now calling on you to share your opinion on whether you would like to see the cooperative offer this service to both our membership and others within our communities who may also benefit. Your input is strongly encouraged and greatly appreciated as we navigate this project.

All surveys need to be completed by Wednesday, March 20th. Members wanting to participate can click here to access the survey.


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