Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative is governed by our nine-person board of directors who are elected by their fellow HCREC members to carry out the business of the cooperative. Elections are held every year with each district on a three-year term rotation.
This year, we are seeking interested applicants living in board districts 2,4, or 8 to be submitted for consideration to our nominating committee. Board districts and their townships are as follows:
District 2 – Serving Cincinnati, Clay, St. John, and Taylor Townships in Harrison County and Rockford Township in Pottawattamie County.
District 4 – Serving Boyer and Douglas Townships of Harrison County and Washington Township of Shelby County.
District 8 – Serving Harrison and Lincoln townships of Harrison County; Willow Township of Monona County; and Grove and Union Townships of Shelby County.
If you are an HCREC member living in those districts and are interested in participating in this year’s director election, please contact Kristi Travis at 712.647.2727 or by emailing HarrisonInfo@hcrec.coop. Interested applicants will have their name submitted for our nominating committee’s consideration at their meeting in January. The nominating committee will review interested applicants and make their selections. Applicants selected by the nominating committee will be contacted for information to be included in our official election materials.
Applications will be accepted until Thursday December 28th at 4:00pm.