Harrison County Rural Electric Cooperative’s (REC) purpose is to provide safe, reliable and affordable power to its consumer-members (that’s you!). Equally important is our mission to enrich the lives of all members and to serve the long-term interests of our local communities.
This is where you can help. As a member of the community, you have a perspective that is valuable – and we invite you to share it with the co-op at our 2023 Power Picnic on August 15 at 4 p.m. This year’s picnic theme is ‘Energy for Progress’ and at the picnic, co-op leaders will be present to share priorities challenges and discuss the financial health and vision for the coming years.
Members are also invited to share their concerns and meet the employee team that helps keep your lights on each and every day. Uniting the communities we serve Harrison County REC is one of the few local organizations that is uniquely positioned to bring together all members of the community.
It is worth noting that the health of the co-op and the well-being of the community are closely intertwined. Perhaps you may feel that you have nothing to add to the discussion, so there is no need to attend the annual meeting. However, every energy bill you pay to the co-op helps ensure better service and reliability for the whole community.
Your dollars are reinvested locally into improvements that impact the reliability and affordability of your energy, and Harrison County REC is excited to hear from you and to interact with the wonderful members that we serve every day. In-person connections matter While we provide our membership with convenient electronic options for bill paying and communication, there are times when there is no substitute for in-person engagement. When members of our community come together for a common purpose, we improve the quality of life for all in our corner of the world. In addition to learning more about the services your cooperative provides, the Power Picnic also gives our membership an opportunity to enjoy a family-friendly event with a free picnic meal with Staley’s Catering serving fried chicken, kids’ activities including the “Where’s Willie” scavenger hunt, inflatables, bucket truck rides and more, plus spotlights on local economic development and service organizations.
If you’ve never attended our Power Picnic, or if it’s been a while, please stop by. Our co-op family looks forward to visiting with you! Mark your calendar for August 15th beginning at 4 p.m.